The Widow Empowerment Project Coming Soon

Welcome to The Widow Empowerment Project, with CEO and Senior Wealth Planner for Prepared Retirement Institute, Andy Dziedzic. This podcast is committed to helping widows and widowers alike navigate the new complexities of their evolving financial journey with understanding, ease, and compassion. After the loss of his mother, Andy witnessed his step-father struggle to navigate the financial landscape, and he came to the stark realization that the quality of financial service available to the widow community is significantly lacking adequate representation and value. Seeing this frustration first-hand has inspired Andy to embark on a journey to improve the standards of the financial services industry, making it his mission to create an avenue for widows to manage their finances with an advisor who understands their unique and deeply personal situation. 

Listen in as Andy shares professional and actionable advice for dealing with finance after the loss of a loved one, along with best practices to keep your mind and money on the right path. Bringing years of experience and knowledge to the table, Andy shows up to the job every day knowing that he is striving to make someone’s financial life better for them and their family.